Individual Employee Benefits Consulting
Experts in Business
Corporations and government agencies vary widely in the benefits they offer. We know that it can be confusing to make the right choice, and we can help you sort through your options.
Exercising stock options, for example, should be studied with a careful eye to prevent you from paying unnecessary taxes. We coordinate with your accountant to get your options strategy on the right schedule.
On issues of group term insurance, clients with pre-existing conditions should strongly consider the additional insurance offered through their employer. For individuals facing a high retirement pension who are insurable, however, departing from the higher risk pool of more costly company sponsored insurance makes sense. By purchasing the right convertible term policy, they have assured themselves a placeholder for a pension maximization strategy at a later date. Too often, we see “Do It Yourselfers” come see us for the first time before they need to make critical retirement decisions. If they’re uninsurable and without a policy, they’re painted in a corner with limited options.
The benefits for government and civil service employees are now more complicated than they’ve ever been, and making the wrong choice could be costly. The Thrift Savings Plan offers some distinct advantages over other savings vehicles, for example. And let’s not forget, the one-time election to choose or refuse a survivor benefit for your retirement pension.
Understanding your employee benefits early on often enables more strategies when it’s time to make important decisions. At Memphis Planning + Wealth, we play offense so you don’t miss valuable opportunities.
Our guided employee benefits consultants serve the greater Memphis area including Collierville, Germantown, Lakeland, Oakland, Cordova, Arlington, Eads, Bartlett and Downtown Memphis.